Pursue Your Passion

Don’t let the pressures of life turn your passion into lost dreams. When you are truly passionate about what you’re doing, you discover those hidden qualities about yourself that you may not have known were in you.

What’s Blocking Your Passion?

Whenever you hear about some terrible accident, whether it be a drowning victim, Pursue Your Passiona plane crash or hiking incident, many people find ways of using these tragedies as excuses by they’ll never go back into the water, or fly again. Truth be told instances like these are far less likely to happen to you than you think.  Sooner or later we will all die (unless of course we’re fortunate enough to be alive when Christ returns for his church).  The sad truth is that although many people are alive, they never really live. There are not many people who possess the courage to aggressively pursue the things they really want.

Passion is a driving force of heart and soul.  Passion allows you inner happiness and fulfillment as you engage in those activities that you love to do. In his book entitle “Chazown“, author Craig Groeschel defines passion as “Chazown is the Hebrew word for vision, and it’s what God had in mind for you when you were created. Each of us is a masterpiece, placed on earth for a unique purpose that’s solely ours to fulfill. You can know God’s dream for your life—your chazown.”

When you are truly passionate about what you’re doing, you discover those hidden qualities about yourself that you may not have known were in you. Passionate people will find themselves enduring challenges that may affect them physically, emotionally and financially all for the gain of doing what they truly love.

If we are not careful we can get so caught up in the day-to-day routine of life and the belief that going through the motions will one day get us to that promotion, new house, or nicer car, but without a deep passion for what we’re doing and a zeal for life, we never experience ourselves at our best. When you wake up on Monday morning do you drag out of the bed thinking, “Ugghh…I do not want to go to work today. I hate that place”, or do you wake up with excitement thinking “This is going to be a great day. I can’t wait to get started. I love what I do!”

Don’t let the pressures of life turn your passion into lost dreams. Life happens, but we can’t give up when we’re faced with a challenge. Our entire life is based upon overcoming challenges. Before the age of one we are faced with learning to roll over, learning to sit up, learning to hold our bottles, standing, then falling and getting back up. We learned to take our first steps toward the thing within our sight that we wanted to pursue. As we continued to grow we faced the challenge of making our first friend, going on a first date, going away from home for the first time, getting our first job and getting behind the wheel of a car. If we had given up on any of these things the first time we encountered trouble, hurt or feelings of fear and anxiety, imagine how much you would have missed out on and how limited your life would be.

Research on more than 400,000 Americans over the past 40 years indicates that pursuing your passions, even in small doses, here and there each day, helps you make the most of your current capabilities and encourages you to develop new ones. It can also help keep you feeling younger throughout life.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from pursuing what you love.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.” ~Nelson Mandela

Pick up your copy of Craig Groeschel’s book “Chazown