Where Have Your Thoughts Taken You?

When you look around at your home, your job, your financial state, are you pleased with what you see or are you dismayed about where you are and baffled at how you got here? If it’s the latter, I challenge you to take a real assessment of your thought life.

Whether you know it or not, your dominant thoughts will manifest themselves in your life.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7).

Where you are today is a culmination of your thoughts, your words and the choices you’ve made, but ultimately it all started with your thought life. As with all actions, you first think a think, then you speak it, which follows by doing something. For example, if you start thinking about an ice cream Sunday long enough, you really begin to want one. You may then say to the person in the room with you, “Oooh, you know I could really go for an ice cream Sunday with whipped cream, wet walnuts, warm caramel, fresh bananas and strawberries and topped with fresh whipped cream.” The impression of that ice cream Sunday becomes so real, you feel like you can actually taste the warm caramel and cool vanilla ice cream hitting your tongue. Before you know it, you’re pulling up at your favorite ice cream place ordering what you thought about just a little while earlier. Moments later you’re sitting down enjoying what was once a dominant thought.

In this example, depending on your current state of health, all is well with the world because the byproduct was creamy, sweet, goodness, but there are other things that we dwell upon in our thought lives that when you are consumed by it, can become detrimental to your future.

Here are a few things to remember that will help you on your journey of changing your future:

— If you want to change anything in your life, CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS!

— Think about living in abundance, at all times

— DON’T think about things you don’t want

What you are thinking now is creating your future.
Thoughts produce things!

Your thoughts are seeds and the harvest you will reap will depend on the seeds you’ve sown. If you are complaining, then more situations will come into your life to complain about. If you are listening someone else complaining, listening to that, sympathizing with them and agreeing with them, in that moment you you are attracting more situations to yourself to complain about. Think about a conversation you may have had with a friend where she is complaining about her spouse, her children, or her finances. Every time you talk, she continues to complain and you join in and start complaining about your spouse (or lack thereof), your children (or lack thereof), and your finances (or lack thereof). Before you know it, your friendship becomes one of constant complaining about where you are today. Then it becomes a competition about whose husband is the laziest, whose children are the wildest and whose bills are the largest.  Before you know it, years have passed and your marriage, your children and your finances have not improved, but have gotten worse because you’ve spent years focusing on the negative, speaking more negative into those things and acting upon the negative that you see.

You can break that cycle TODAY!

When you focus on what you want with a lot of passion, it comes to pass a lot sooner so why not focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want.  If you want a happier marriage, focus and think on what you would like it to look like.  If you like flowers and candy, imagine your husband bringing you flowers and candy when he comes home. If you like long walks on the beach, focus on the two of you taking long evening walks together, holding hands and gazing into each other’s eyes. If you want to get out of debt, focus your thoughts on your account balances going down to zero and your bank account going up. Take one of your current bank statements and where the decimal is on your balance, change it to a comma and add additional zeros on the end.  See what you want in your thoughts, focus on that and watch things change for you.

Take control of your thought life to move you to where you want to be and don’t allow your thought life to take control of you, holding you captive in a place where you don’t want to be.

Change your thinking, change your life!



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