Your Perfectionism Is Causing Procrastination

What Are You Putting Off?

Are you procrastinating in starting your own business? Are you putting off going back to school?
Are you putting off for another day what you could be doing today?

I have several closets in my house that need to be sorted through.  Every Spring I say, “I’m going to clean this closet out this weekend…” then I open the door, look top to bottom, and close the door.  Why? In my mind I know exactly how I want my closets to look.  I live in an older colonial style home with very small closets. As much as I want them to be perfect, they always fall short.  I determine in my heart that I’m going to spend the weekend making it look just like the closet in this month’s interior design magazine and when I start pulling things out I become overwhelmed and end up pushing it all back in for another day.


How often in life do we procrastinate in doing things we know we should do because if we can’t do it
perfectly, we don’t want to do it at all.  What I’ve come to realize is that every compartment in my life is not going to be absolutely perfect, but there is something that I can do every day to move forward.

Are you procrastinating in starting your own business?  Are you putting off going back to school? Are you putting off for another day reaching out to a family member you may have had a disagreement with years ago?  Whatever it is you’re procrastinating in doing, know that when you take the first step towards achieving that thing, everything will fall into place.  Maybe you’re involved in direct sales and afraid to pick up the phone and ask for help from a friend or family member.  What if the very thing you’re putting off because all of the circumstances have to be “just right”, is the very thing that could catapult you into your next level?

How much time we waste on the “what if’s”, the “maybe later’s” the, “I’ll do it tomorrow” attitudes. Tomorrow is not promised and too many times, “I’ll do it tomorrow”, turns into years that have been lost with no forward movement.

Today I encourage you to move forward in whatever you’ve been putting off.  Don’t allow a perfectionist spirit to stop you from moving forward. Everything may not be perfect when you step out, but as you move forward, things will line up. Once you gain momentum, you’ll look back and realize how far you’ve come and how much you’ve accomplished.

Start today! Pick up that phone and call him/her and say hello, open up that closet door and start pulling things out you no longer use or need, go online and register that business, whatever it is you’ve been putting off, don’t wait another day. Just do it!

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